What help is available?
There are three different kinds of support services to help you on the redress journey. You can use 1, 2 or all 3 of these, and they are all free for you to use.
- Support Services - to help guide you through every part of your journey. There are both mainstream and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific services. Ngarra Jarra Noun (pronounced Nar Ra Jar Ra Noon) is the Aboriginal Redress Support Service for Victorian Aboriginal survivors.
- Legal Support - to help you to understand what the various paths that you could take are, and help you decide which path is best for you. This is provided by a service called Mnow More and they have Aboriginal workers if you want to yarn with an Aboriginal person.
- Financial Support - to help you to decide what to do with any money you might get so you can make the most of it and achieve what you want from any
Who can apply?
You can apply to the National Redress Scheme if you:
- Experienced institutional child sexual abuse before the 1st of July, 2018,
- Are aged over 18 years,
- The institution responsible for the sexual abuse has joined the Scheme, and
- Apply between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2027.
How do I apply?
The National Redress Scheme started on 1 July 2018. It will run for 10 years. You can make an application at any time between now and 30 June 2027. You can take as
much time as you need to complete the application and you will have 6 months to decide whether to accept the offer of redress.
You can call Ngarra Jarra Noun on ph: 03 9459 7030 or email us at ngarrajarranoun@vacca.org and we will come and yarn with you about applying.
Applications that will be assessed differently:
For some, their application will be assessed differently:
- Younger than 18 years
- Convicted of a crime and sentenced to 5 or more years in prison
- Currently in prison
- Have already received a payment in relation to the abuse
Ngarra Jarra Noun will explain this and help if this applies to you.
Getting help from a trusted person:
The Redress Journey could be a hard one, and you might decide you would like another person to speak and act for you. This is called a Nominee. This person might be a
trusted friend or relative or could be your support worker. If you want them to speak for you with the Redress Scheme you need to fill in the Nominee Form. Ngarra Jarra Noun can also be your nominee if you choose.
Completing the National Redress Scheme Application form:
You do not need to complete this form on your own. Your Ngarra Jarra Noun worker can help you with your redress journey including assisting you to complete this form.
In our experience supporting survivors, the process of completing applications for redress can prompt survivors to remember more about their abuse. While you can only make one application to the National Redress Scheme you can add to your application up until a determination has been made on your application. If you remember additional information after you have completed your application, please let your support worker know. What should I do before accepting an offer?
We strongly encourage you to access support before accepting an offer. If you accept an offer you can not take civil litigation against the responsible institution/s. Ngarra Jarra Noun can discuss options in your specific situation and give you the information to help you decide whether to accept the offer.
What happens if I ask for a review?
We strongly encourage you to access support before asking for a review. A review may mean you get less, the same or more money than the original offer. Please discuss with Ngarra Jarra Noun if you are thinking about asking for a review.
Is the National Redress Scheme my only option for getting compensation?
It is also really important that survivors are aware of the different options available to them and the implications of each option. We are aware that the legal aspects of the National Redress Scheme can be technical, hard to understand and confusing. Applying through the National Redress Scheme may not be your only option; civil litigation may be another option to consider. This is where you sue an institution through the courts or settle out of court. Ngarra Jarra Noun will discuss options in your specific situation and give you the information to help you decide which path to take.