Ways to observe January 26th

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On January 26, we celebrate the continued survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. We remember our Elders and those who fought for our communities, and we honor those who have paid a heavy price in fighting for our rights and freedoms. We acknowledge all who stand with us as we continue to advocate for better outcomes for Aboriginal children, young people and families in Victoria.

Whether you recognise 26 January as Survival Day, Invasion Day or a Day of Mourning, there are events all around Victoria to come together with community in strength and pride and stand in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

In Naarm/Melbourne, you can attend the Dawn Service at Camp Sovereignty in the Domain Gardens and march at the Invasion Day Rally at Parliament House. There is also a rally for Truth and Justice in Geelong and a Survival Day March in Mildura.

You may wish to attend the Reflection and Healing Ceremony in Port Fairy, the Survival Day Dawn Ceremony in Ballarat or the Pilk Purriyn Truth Telling event in Torquay.

For some deadly music and culture, get to Share the Spirit Festival (free for everyone) in Naarm/Melbourne (say hi to VACCA's Carer Training, Assessment and Support Program team if you're there!) or the Our Survival Day festival (free for mob) in Mount Martha.

You can find more events here and tune in to 3CR who will be broadcasting live from Camp Sovereignty from 9am to 4pm.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material. To listen to our Acknowledgement of Country, click here.