On 26 May 2022, members of the Stolen Generations, their families and Traditional Owner groups gathered on Taungurung Country in Kyneton for the first National Sorry Day event hosted by VACCA and Link-Up Victoria.
Speaking at the event VACCA CEO Muriel Bamblett asked all in attendance to use the gathering as an opportunity to connect with one another, and restated the commitment of both VACCA and Link-Up Victoria to supporting members of the Stolen Generations.
"Every day, I see firsthand what it is to be removed. I see it in the faces of children who don't know who their family are, who have no cultural connection, who don't know ceremony, don't know dance, don't know song. We are committed to continuing these welcome home ceremonies to provide an opportunity for Stolen Generations to meet and share their stories. And that's what I want you all to do - tell your stories, and learn your history."
The day also marked the 25th anniversary of the Bringing Them Home Report, a reminder of the grief and suffering endured by the Stolen Generations and also of the work still to be done in implementing many of the recommendations laid out in the Report.
"The resilience, strength and courage of Stolen Generations and their families brings us here today. Your experiences have led to change, and while we still have significant work to do - I ask again that you stand with me and don't stay silent," Muriel remarked.
Muriel was joined by fellow speakers Matthew Burns, CEO Taungurung Land and Waters Council, Brendan Murray, Yoorrook Justice Commission, and Ian Hamm, Chair - Connecting Home for the event.