Funding to further self-determination within our education system

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Today VACCA welcomes the announcement from the Victorian Government of almost $3.7 million to undertake a co-design initiative to drive community led and self-determining changes in our schools.

This education funding will support the work of VACCA in the early years, where we support parents and carers to feel confident in their role as first teachers to their children. We know it is these first, early years that begin to teach children how to navigate the world around them and help to ensure they grow up strong in their identity, connected to culture and thriving.

VACCA is working closely with the Department of Education, other Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and Traditional Owner Groups to develop a model of what self-determination looks like in schools. The allocation of funding to host community-led conversations on what this model may look like will help to ensure the voices of our children, young people and community are at the centre. Creating opportunities to hear what is and isn’t working and how to further self determination across the whole education system.

VACCA believes in order to ensure children, young people and their families receive wrap around care that is based on their needs, ACCOs need to work closely with schools to provide coordinated support.  We strongly believe funding should be proportionate to service demand and aligned to community needs. VACCA is in a unique position with the largest footprint in out-of-home-care,  family violence, homelessness and justice services across the ACCO sector. This makes us well placed to provide holistic care, tailored to the needs of Aboriginal children, young people and their families.

VACCA’s CEO Muriel Bamblett AO says “When education funding supports local community engagement, we will see our kids feel heard, see themselves represented in our shared history, and see their futures.”

“Our Elders have been teaching the next generation of leaders for millennia. When we welcome them into the classroom, we open up the opportunity for all children to learn about some of the most stoic of leaders in civil rights movements, of innovators and change makers, conservationists, world renowned artists and athletes.”

For all media enquiries please contact Sarah Gafforini, Director Office of the CEO |

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